Ümran SEVÝL, Ayça GÜRKAN, Murat KORKMAZ, Ali Serdar YÜCEL, Dilek ÖZTAÞ, Vasfiye BAYRAM DEÐER, Süleyman DERMAN, Gökþen ARAS


Risk management is an effective concept in human life. For this reason, managing the current and possible risks reduces the cost due to troubles and problems. There are different concepts and methods in risk management. Risk management contributes to the increase in institutional and personal quality management. In addition to this, risk management reduces the unnecessary cost, and contributes to national and international reliability perception. The reality of risk concept in the covid-19 pandemic process has been deeply felt in Turkey and different countries in the world. Thus, the risk management due to the pandemic, especially in health institutions and health personnel has been of utmost importance. The level of risk that the pregnant women experience in the pandemic process has increased. The management of this risk has increased the responsibility of the health personnel, and especially nurses. It can be pointed out that nurses who are responsible for managing and controlling the risk have been helpful for the pregnant women’s social comfort and any other support. In this research and application study, a new scale according to the topic of the study has been prepared by referring to the previous scales whose validity and reliability have been tested and used in different scientific studies. While preparing the scale, experts in different fields have been consulted. The permission of the institution has been taken. The sample of the study has been determined according to the very risky cities due to the covid-19 pandemic. The questionnaires have been sent to all of the participants via internet. 1921 maternity and delivery nurses and pregnant women with different demographic features participated in the study. The questionnaires received from the staff have been transferred to the SPSS 28 programme to get the validity and reliability of the data. After the validity and reliability test, the received alpha cronbach coefficient has been 0,783. As the coefficient is higher than expected, the analysis of the data has been conducted. As for the method of analysis, the design of multiple case study which covers the nurses and pregnant women in the state and private hospitals has been used. After the interviews with the nurses, the data have been analysed with Anova, and independent sample t-test to find out the differences between the groups. Then, Tukey post hoc test has been used to find out the factors which cause differences in the groups. In the findings and results, it is seen that all the participants participated in the risk perception management actively. It is understood that the pregnant women have not been active in the risk management, and suffered from anxiety and fear. In addition to that, some pregnant women have received psychological and psychiatric support and managed the pandemic process by believing that the vaccination might lead to negative results in the pregnancy period. It is also detected that some pregnant women have been infected with covid-19 which has resulted in a risky process for them and their babies. All the nurses who participated in the study have been effective in risk and perception management, and helped the pregnant women to manage and control the negative perception of risk. And, the nurses who have helped the pregnant women have been effective in this process, and have been active for the decrease in the risk perception as well.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Pregnant, Risk, Management, Perception, Nurse