Mehmet Semih DEMİRTAŞ
Human milk is a miraculous food that not only provides the micro-macro nutrient needs of the infant, but also has the effect of decreasing the rate of cancer, obesity, allergies, chronic and infection diseases in the neonate with the bioactive substances. WHO recommends that infants should be exclusively breastfed in the first 6 months and that complementary feeding with breastfeeding should continue until at least 2 years of age and beyond. The most important factor that increases the human milk is that the infant continues to be breastfed frequently in the right position. Mothers who think that their milk is insufficient and want to breastfeed their baby, give more importance to the consumption of some traditionally food which increase the milk amount. The substances believed to initiation, increase and maintance of human milk production are called galactagogues. These lactation substances can be pharmaceutical, food or herbal supplements. Domperidone and metoclopramide are dopamine antagonists that increase prolactin secretion are currently the most widely used galactagogues. Sulpiride and clorpromazine are also used as galactagogues. Herbal origin galactococci are traditionally used to increase human milk, vary regionally and socioeconomically. Fenugreek, garlic, dates, asparagus, milk thistle, milk thistle, goat pearl, ginger are herbal galactococci found to be effective in increasing human milk production. RCTs are needed to determine whether one galactagogue outperforms another and to determine the efficacy and safety of galactagogues. In addition to the assessment of infant weight gain and breast milk volume, the dose and dosage form of galactagogues should be standardised in future studies. ORCID NO: 0000-0003-2965-1811

Anahtar Kelimeler: Human Milk, Galaktogog, Herbal

